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Monitor Resolution
Article 4 of 5    Category: Websites/Internet
What is the average monitor resolution?  Why is it important to consider?
Monitor resolution is the size in pixels that a computer monitor displays.  Most monitors sold today have several resolution settings and are set on a mid-range setting by default - typically 1024x768 or larger. The average monitor resolutions weren't always as high as they are now though, and monitor resolutions have increased over the past 10 years though. According to monitor resolution statistics for 2008, more than 80% of computers users now have a monitor resolution of 1024x768 or higher.

Why should you be concerned with monitor resolution?
 It's important to know the average computer user's monitor resolution so that you are aware of how your website is being viewed by your average visitor.  A few years ago, 800x600 was the average monitor resolution, so websites any larger than 800 pixels wide required most users to scroll left-to-right to view all of the webpage content.  So now it's best to make your website no wider than 1024 pixels wide, to save your visitors the headache of having to scroll horizontally to view your content.  Monitor resolution height is no longer a real concern though because most computer users have a mouse with a scroll wheel that allows easy vertical scrolling.

Monitor resolution is just one of dozens variables that Prerogative keeps in mind as we create Internet-based marketing tools.
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